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发表于 2022-7-27 23:11:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


IMF warns of consequences of Russian gas shutoff
Some EU countries could go into recession, according to the organization
20 Jul, 2022


A total shutdown of Russian gas supplies to the EU could reduce the GDP of the most vulnerable member states by up to 6% and send them into a recession, the International Monetary Fund said in a blogpost on Tuesday.
The warning comes amid fears that Russian gas deliveries to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline may not resume after the routine annual maintenance ends on Thursday.
Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal, citing European Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn, reported that the European Commission did not expect the pipeline to restart. On Tuesday, the commission’s spokesperson said it was planning for all scenarios regarding Russian gas flows to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. According to Reuters’ sources, the gas flows will restart as scheduled “but at lower than its full capacity.”
The IMF noted that Europe lacks a comprehensive plan to cope with gas shortages, which could lead to energy price increases and slower growth. The Washington-based fund said that Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are the three EU member states likely to suffer the most in case of a complete shutoff.
“The prospect of an unprecedented total shutoff is fueling concern about gas shortages, still higher prices, and economic impacts. While policymakers are moving swiftly, they lack a blueprint to manage and minimize impact,” the IMF wrote.
Warning that central and eastern Europe could see shortages of as much as 40% of gas consumption and that GDP could shrink by up to 6%, the fund suggests that these countries should secure “alternative supplies and energy sources” and encourage energy savings and expand solidarity agreements to share gas across countries.
The IMF notes that Europe’s energy infrastructure and global supply have so far coped with a 60% drop in Russian gas deliveries since June last year, and could potentially handle a reduction of up to 70% by accessing alternative supplies and energy sources.

国际货币基金组织周二在一篇博文中表示,全面关闭俄罗斯对欧盟的天然气供应可能会使其最脆弱的成员国的国内生产总值减少多达 6%,并使它们陷入衰退。
发出警告之际,人们担心俄罗斯通过北溪 1 号管道向欧洲输送天然气可能无法在周四的例行年度维护结束后恢复。
本周早些时候,《华尔街日报》援引欧洲预算专员约翰内斯·哈恩的话说,欧盟委员会预计管道不会重启。周二,该委员会的发言人表示,它正在预计所有关于俄罗斯天然气通过北溪 1 管道流入欧洲的情况。据路透社消息,天然气将按计划重启,“但将会低于其满负荷(运行的输气量)”。
该基金警告说,中欧和东欧的天然气消耗量可能会短缺多达 40%,GDP 可能会萎缩多达 6%,该基金建议这些国家应确保“替代供应和能源”,并鼓励节能和扩大各国之间共享天然气的团结协议。
国际货币基金组织指出,自去年 6 月以来,欧洲的能源基础设施和全球供应已成功应对了俄罗斯天然气供应量下降 60% 的问题,并可能通过获取替代供应和能源来应对高达70% 的减少量。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, the fund warns that a complete shutoff would make diversification much harder as bottlenecks could reduce the ability to reroute gas within Europe because of insufficient import capacity or transmission constraints.
The IMF added that in case of a total shutdown, the entire EU could suffer a drop in economic output of almost 3% over the next year. It notes that while some countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Greece would likely see little to no impact on growth, Italy, due to its high reliance on gas in electricity production, could experience a drop of over 5%.
“The effects on Austria and Germany would be less severe but still significant, depending on the availability of alternative sources and the ability to lower household gas consumption,” the fund said.
After Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in late February, the EU passed six packages of sanctions to punish Moscow. The bloc, which receives roughly 40% of its gas from Russia, has been trying to rapidly reduce its reliance on the country’s energy as part of restrictive measures.
Russian President Vladimir Putin noted on Tuesday that Brussels imposed sanctions on Moscow and closed off supply routes, but is now blaming its gas shortages on Russia and energy giant Gazprom.
Russia is ready to deliver as much gas as the bloc needs, if the EU is ready to stop “stepping on rakes,” he told a media conference while visiting Tehran.
“Gazprom has always honored, and will continue to honor its commitments,” he said.

国际货币基金组织补充说,如果全面关闭,整个欧盟明年的经济产出可能会下降近 3%。它指出,虽然瑞典、丹麦和希腊等一些国家的经济增长可能几乎没有影响,但意大利由于电力生产高度依赖天然气,可能会下降 5% 以上。
俄罗斯于 2 月下旬在乌克兰开展军事行动后,欧盟通过了六项制裁措施来惩罚莫斯科。欧盟约 40% 的天然气来自俄罗斯,作为限制性措施的一部分,该集团一直在努力迅速减少对该国能源的依赖。


Tibor Brown
Bit late for these MONKEYs - if they had half a brain they would have seen the consequences of their policies long ago


Lola Lopez
No matter how many warnings the nato gang members would never admit defeat,


I wouldn't be surprised if gas and petrol are needed to make fuel for hydrogen-powered vehicles including airplanes
No one is talking about "green" electric cars and trucks any more?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Svennovich Gaduniaan
They economies would collapse, since it becomes more expensive to produce stuff. There's a lot of countries that can now be competitive. What a bunch of traitors those politicians. Hang em from lanterns


Italy needs gas to produce electricity, how ironic


IMF/World Bank = Are Nothing More Than Legalized loan Sharks, Just Ask any 3rd World Country Who Have Had No choice But To Accept Their Toxic Loans/Conditions. The Most Recent Example Is Sri Lanka Who Have (Reported) 15 Outstanding Loans from The IMF, The Sri Lanka Government Have Defaulted On Repayments Now The Country Is Bankrupt Experiencing Political/Economic/Social Turmoil As A Result.....The only Way Out Is To Borrow Even More Money From The IMF....The interest Repayments On Their Loans Would be Crushing.......

国际货币基金组织以及世界银行 = 只不过是合法化的高利贷商人,只要问问任何别无选择只能接受其有毒的贷款和条件的第三世界国家就知道了。最近的例子是斯里兰卡,有(报告称)斯里兰卡政府拖欠了国际货币基金组织的 15 笔贷款未偿还,现在这个国家破产了,导致了政治、经济和社会动荡......唯一的出路是从国际货币基金组织那儿借更多的钱……它们贷款的利息偿还将是压倒性的……

According to Christian and Muslim practices it is a major sin to charge interest on loans = usury

根据基督教和伊斯兰教的教义习俗,收取贷款利息 = 高利贷,是一宗大罪过
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Forget the EU. It is time that non-western countries get cheaper energy and build themselves up for a change instead of being drained by the EU and US.


what, the imf is worried that countries wont be borrowing from them and they stand to lose ?


Well then, there is a perfect solution, certify North stream 2, it is ready and waiting.


Who could blame Russia if the pipe lines stay closed. Any contractual obligations with the EU are void due to the sanctions


Trish. Dinky-Di Mix-breed Australian.
World already in a recession due to covid. Quit blaming Russia!


Those sanctions are really working out great! Good job, EU, really hurting Russia, aren’t you?


It's so sad that this is happening to Europe, this as always been the American goal for decade to destruct the European economy and sadly the idiotic EU leaders went along with this,Europe as been peaceful with Russia all this decades, but American can't just standby watching the success and stability of Europe..


Jjackston Burg
Oh well - their choice. Ruble and trade is strong for Russia - in the east.

哦,好吧-这是他们自己的选择。俄罗斯的卢布和贸易都很强劲 - 在东方。

why does the west want their people to suffer? thats the question that should be asked.


the western mafia coalition needs to live with their own stupid illegal sanctions on russia - beggars cannot be choosers


What idiots...They didn't realize, sanctioning Russia,will sanction the whole world! We are all connected!!! :'/


No. Just them selves... (US and EU are only about 12% of the world's population).

不。只有他们自己(受害)……(美国和欧盟仅占世界人口的 12%)。

to bad so sad for the EU But they stated that they did not want or need Russian gas and oil so there should not be any problem right


gado184, Karma.
how will they produce more weapons for ukraine and themselves, without any fuel for their industries?
and since economy goes down, with price of gas going up, making EVERYTHING TRANSPORTABLE costing double, everyones price along the supply chain goes up.... drastically


IMF is concerned about "gas shortages, still higher prices, and economic impacts." This is unusual for them, usually they would celebrate this, must be white rich countries affected.


The fact remains that the economic viability of Europe depends largely on cheap reliable energy and raw materials .The growth of the likes of Germany could never have been possible without Russian behemoth material and energy resources at benevolence prices from the Ru
IMF pointing out that EU leadership is bunch of certified assholes and they will take them to hell.


My bet: The ruling plutocrats are just fine with destroying the EU economy. After working people have no jobs, no income, and no hope, these vultures will swoop in an buy up businesses and real estate cheap. The New Serfdom Project has begun.


Anon amous
Europe will be exceptionally lucky if they only lose 6%. I'm betting in the 15% range or higher. Self inflicted death by 1000 cuts.

如果只损失 6%,欧洲将是格外幸运的。我会在 15% 或更高的范围内下注。自己捅上1000刀将必死无疑。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Richardson
Russia's resources are the leverage Putin has against corrupt Washington. Considering what Washington has done to destroy Russia's economy I would completely shut the west off. Especially when Biden and Lindsey Graham have called for the overthrow of Putin by any means.


The western neocons are bringing down the economies of both the EU & USA. They have stimulated a world wide negative response to their economic system by using sanctions as economic warfare.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So very logical to sanction a country that supplies you with energy. I don’t feel sorry for most of the western countries who have fuelled this conflict with arms and lies. Particularly not the UK!


US National Debt 30.596 Trillions
IMF: Consequences of Russian gas shut off? You have to borrow more from me....


Ever noticed how the headlines always read "IMF warns of...", WHO warns of...", "UN warns of...". And then they go on to state the bleeding obvious - problems that the rest of the world have already been pointing out for months. Tell me again, what are the true benefits of these alphabet organisations to ordinary people, compared to their significant running costs?

有没有注意到头条新闻总是写着“国际货币基金组织警告……”,“世界卫生组织警告……”,“联合国警告……”。然后他们继续说明如此明显的问题 - 这些问题全世界已经指出几个月了。再告诉我,这些冠着大写字母的组织对普通人的真正好处是什么,与它们巨大的运行成本相比?

Malcolm, They are are useful propaganda tools for western elites. The working citizens are beasts of burden who pay taxes to support the alphabet lords.


Do not worry, Russian will not shut down GAS or anything. There are lot of your (western) friends around russian political elite, who will serve your interest lol, you will have row material to build tank and send to ukraine to kill russian. you are free to make as many provocation as you want. you are free to insult russia, free there asset. you can nationalize russian public company like gazprom german. why you worry, see german nationalized gazprom asset but still receiving GAS.


IMF warns of consequences........
a bit late now..


The IMF another US controlled organization is few months behind, a recession is already happening in EU and Germany largest businesses slowing down and Uniper insolvent. But that was always plan of US to weaken Germany and make them more dependent on US good LNG and buy more US made weapons. Anyone with a basic education can see that.


Sub Atomic Particle
The EU shot itself in both feet and are now complaining it hurts.


Keep the gas valve shut off for the time being until weapons supply to Ukraine is stop. If Russia on the opposite site, sure they will punish them until the last breath.


Talking about obvious problems, but what about solutions? The IMF & other Z!()nist Western institutions refuse to tell the complete truth & nothing but the truth about solutions. Stop the severe sanctions against Russia, Iran, & Venezuela. Then watch oil & gas prices decrease a lot. Stop glamorizing consumerism-gone-wild & overpopulation. Then watch inflation stop or slow down. Prioritize per-capita quality-of-life, healthy lifestyles, & sustainable environmental solutions. Stop the imperialism, & customize different solutions & different communities for different peoples. Then watch wars become less common, while peaceful development & constructive competition become more common.


Perexcreta Adastra (unreliable)
Who cares about Europe? Russia will be warm, enjoy cheap electricity and good quality bio food, that’s what really counts.


Morbid Angel
Extend Nord stream 1 preventive maintenance for another 10days. Then observe if the people on panic buying mode. If EU beg for Russia gas and accept the demand. Result will be EU defeat in economic war.

将北溪1号管道的预防性维护再延长 10 天。然后观察人们是否处于恐慌性购买模式。如果欧盟乞求俄罗斯天然气并接受需求。结果将是欧盟在经济战争中的失败。

So Now that EU has lost their Free Thinking Self Governing Countries Sovereignty, Gold Stolen, Elected Governments replaced by Oligarchs, and the Poor Working Europeans Labour Force left like Slaves to Lose their Lands, Assets and thanks for the IMF Concerns and why?







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