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发表于 2022-10-13 11:04:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IMF Warns of Growing Global Risks, Says U.K. Turmoil Largely Contained
Fund forecasts an economic slowdown, but says central banks must continue to tighten monetary policy

WASHINGTON—Global central banks’ moves toquickly raise interest rates have fueled increased risks to the financial system, the International Monetary Fund warned Tuesday, while saying stability concerns bubbling up in the United Kingdom appear contained.


The Bank of Englandtook steps to address recent turmoil in British bond and currency markets for the second straight day on Tuesday. “At this point, we don’t anticipate these actions being necessary in other countries,” Tobias Adrian, head of the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department, said at a press conference Tuesday.

英国央行(Bank of England)周二连续第二天采取措施,应对近期英国债券和外汇市场的动荡。IMF货币和资本市场部主管托拜厄斯·阿德里安(Tobias Adrian)周二在新闻发布会上说,“目前,我们认为其他国家没有必要采取这些行动。”

The comments came together with the release of the fund’s latest Global Financial Stability Report. It warned of heightened risks fueled by deteriorating market liquidity—or the ability to easily buy or sell an asset—that could combine with elevated financial vulnerabilities fueled by years of low interest rates and cheap credit to amplify future shocks.

与此同时,imf发布了最新的《全球金融稳定报告》(Global Financial Stability Report)。它警告说,由于市场流动性恶化(即容易买卖资产的能力)而引发的风险加剧,可能与多年的低利率和低息信贷所引发的金融脆弱性加剧相结合,放大未来的冲击。

Mr. Adrian said the only periods when financial risks have been higher were in times of acute crisis, such as the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 and the start of the 2020 Covid-triggered downturn.


“We are certainly at a stressed moment,” he said. Still, the fund’s baseline scenario “is one where things continue to be orderly.”


The Federal Reserve and other central banks are raising interest rates at the fastest pace in more than four decades tobeat back inflation by slowing economic growth. The risk is that rate increases can cause disruptions in lending, which swelled when rates were low. Amid high inflation and significant economic uncertainty, global stock and bond markets have been highly volatile, with investors aggressively pulling back from risk taking, the IMF report said. Fund officials and global policy makers are holding meetings this week in Washington.

美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)和其他中央银行正在以40多年来最快的速度加息,以通过减缓经济增长来抑制通货膨胀。这样做的风险在于,加息可能会导致贷款的中断,在利率较低的时候,贷款会大量增加。IMF的报告称,在高通胀和重大经济不确定性的背景下,全球股票和债券市场波动剧烈,投资者大举退出风险承担。基金组织官员和全球政策制定者本周将在华盛顿举行会议。

“There is a risk of a disorderly tightening in financial conditions,” the report said, warning that investors could continue to pull back from global markets “if inflationary pressures do not abate as quickly as currently anticipated or the economic slowdown intensifies.”


Separately Tuesday, the IMF released economic projections that showed global growth is forecast to slow next year more than previously expected. The IMF attributed the weaker outlook to the effects of inflation, war in Ukraine andthe slowdown in China due to Covid-19 lockdowns.


The global economy is projected to expand 2.7% in 2023, down from 3.2% this year and 6% in 2021, the IMF said. The new 2023 forecast represents a modest reduction from a July estimate.


The IMF said the U.S. economy would expand 1% next year. The fund forecasts a 1.6% expansion of the U.S. economy this year.


Central banks must act to keep inflationary pressures from becoming entrenched, the fund said in its report. It referenced a period of the 1970s when the Fed raised rates aggressively to bring down inflation but thenreversed course prematurely for fear of inflicting more pain on the labor market than the public and Congress would tolerate.


“Policy makers should heed the lessons of the past,” the fund said.


Recent turmoil in British bond and currency markets has exposed potential risks lurking in pensions and government bond markets, which were relative oases of calm in past financial flare-ups. The Bank of England extended support targeted at pension funds for the second day in a row on Tuesday, the latest attempt to contain the fallout of a furious bond-market selloff that has threatened U.K. financial stability.

最近英国债券和货币市场的动荡暴露了养老金和政府债券市场潜在的风险,这两个市场在过去的金融危机中是相对平静的绿洲。英国央行(Bank of England)周二连续第二天延长了针对养老基金的支持力度,这是央行为遏制债券市场疯狂抛售所带来的影响而做出的最新努力。债券市场的抛售已经威胁到英国的金融稳定。

The U.K. government on Sept. 23 announced a package of tax cuts that would have added significantly to deficits. In response, the poundsank to a record low against the dollar, and yields on British bonds, known as gilts, shot up.


“Dramatic stress in the gilts market shows how sudden price moves combined with forced selling and deleveraging dynamics can lead to disorderly conditions that could threaten broader market functioning and stability,” the IMF said in its report Tuesday.


The IMF warned emerging market economies could bemost affected by any downturn, squeezed by high borrowing costs, high inflation and volatile commodity markets. Corporate borrowing costs have also jumped, the IMF said, while warning about risks in the U.S. housing market, pointing to the nonbank financial firms that play an increasingly large role in mortgage finance but are less regulated than banks.


Policy makers should contain further build up of vulnerabilities by adjusting policy levers such as underwriting standards and supervisory pressure to control pockets of risk, Mr. Adrian said in a blog post accompanying Tuesday’s report.


“Policy makers face an unusually challenging financial stability environment,” he wrote. Risks to financial stability have substantially increased “amid the highly uncertain global environment.”




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