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VOA | 国际货币基金组织预计今年全球经济将严重衰退









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发表于 2020-10-22 09:06:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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人才培养体系 the personnel fostering system

综合能力 comprehensive capability

素质教育 well-rounded education

教书育人 impart knowledge and cultivate people

无症状病毒携带者 a symptomatic virus carrier

在没有任何症状的情况下,病毒测试呈阳性 test positive for coronavirus while showing no symptoms

跟踪密切接触者 trace close contacts

中国留学人员健康安全 health and safety of overseas Chinese students

防疫物资 epidemic prevention materials

健康包 health kits

重大航空运输保障机制 major air transportation guarantee mechanism

包机 charter flights

区域协调发展战略 coordinated regional development strategy

城市群 city clusters

京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

城乡融合发展 integrated urban and rural development


应急储备 emergency stockpile

请求为医务工作者提供防护装备 plea for protective gear for hospital workers

护面罩 face shields

Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节

Cold Food Festival寒食节

Day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

Offer sacrifices toancestors 祭祖/上供

Memorial essay 悼文

Online tomb-sweeping网上祭扫

Internet memorial 网络纪念馆

condolence 哀悼之情

joss paper 纸钱

funeral supplies/products殡葬用品

funeral services 殡葬服务业

commercial cemetery经营性公墓

mortician 殡仪业者

burn incense 焚香

tomb-sweeping 扫墓

tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

kite flying 放风筝

spring outing 踏青

god's lantern 神灯

memorial tablet 纪念碑

willow branches insertedon each gate门旁插柳

online funeral网上葬礼

online tribute网上悼念

affordable grave经济适用墓

cremation urn骨灰盒

发挥优势 draw on strengths

反腐工作 anti-corruption campaign

反对"台独"  against" Taiwan independence"

改革创新 carry out reform and innovation

改善民生 improve people's welfare

死亡人数 death toll

单日纪录 single day record

网上悼念 online tribute

绿水青山就是金山银山 lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets

绿色发展 green development

吊唁簿 condolence books

评定为烈士 identified as martyrs

全国哀悼日 national day of mourning

讣告 obituary

悼文 eulogy

综合管廊integrated underground utility piping network

终端能源消费结构end-use energy consumption structure

绿色能源输配网络green energy transmission and distribution network

分布式可再生能源distributed renewable energy

分布式光伏distributed photovoltaic

充电桩charging pile

邮政设施postal facilities

光纤网络optical network

无废城市zero-waste city

减量化,资源化,无害化:reduction, recycling and harmless disposal of waste

垃圾分类收运classified collection and transportation of waste

原生垃圾raw refuse

垃圾干湿分离separation of wet and dry waste

综合行政审批体系comprehensive governmental review and approval system

智能信息杆柱intelligent information pole

移动物联网mobile IoT

增强型移动物联网enhanced mobile IoT

广域网络wide area network (WAN)

智能响应intelligent response

全方位人车路感知终端all-round driver-vehicle-road sensing terminal

逝者 the deceased

防空警报 air raid sirens

停止公共娱乐活动 suspend public recreational activities

扫墓 clean the gravesites

空间弹性 flexibility of space

高起点规划,高标准建设,高质量发展plans with high starting point, construction of high standardsand development of high quality

政府主导,市场运作 government-led and market-oriented operation

分类分步,有序承接 make the transfer in an orderly and category-by-category manner

公共服务设施配套supporting facilities for public services

中西合璧,以中为主,古今交融  combining Chinese andWestern elements, with the Chinese as the core, while integrating ancient andmodern styles

股市震荡 major fluctuations in stock markets

固定资产投资增长过快 excessive investment in fixed assets

国际经济走势 the latest trends and developments in the world economy

国情 水清木华年公众号整理national conditions

国债 treasury bonds

海外媒体 overseas media

新型冠状病毒的持续症状  persistent symptoms ofcoronavirus

全球产业链供应链 the global industrial and supply chains

联动发展 inter-connected development

谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全 basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute security of staplefood

粮食储备能力 food reserve capacity

粮食生产能力 grain production capacity

耕地保护红线 the red line for the protection of cultivated land

汽车影院 drive-in movie theaters

快递 delivering goods

远程办公 remote working

远程医疗 tele-medicine

新型商业模式 new business models

数字化转型 digital transformation

产业数字化 industrial digitization

数字产业化 digital industrialization

新型基础设施 new infrastructure

5G 网络 5G networks

智能制造 intelligent manufacturing

共享经济 sharing economy

战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging sectors

实时交通信息 real-time traffic information

扫描健康码 scan health codes

远程办公 telecommuting/telework

威胁暂停向世卫组织提供资金 threaten to put U.S. funding to WHO onhold

请将疫情与政治隔离Please quarantine politicizing COVID-19

推卸责任 play the blame game

解除离汉通道管控 lift out bound travel restrictions in Wuhan

疫情防控向好形势 positive trend in epidemic prevention and control

恢复生产生活秩序 restoration of normal production and everyday life

复试税则 complex tariff

物联网 Internet of Things

5G 商用 commercializationof5G

5G 套餐 5Gdataplans

技术规范 technical specification

网络堵塞 network congestion

数据传输速度 data transmission speed

外防输入、内防反弹 guarding against imported cases and preventing a resurgence of theoutbreak at home

无症状感染者精准防控 targeted management of asymptomatic cases

大萧条以来最严重的经济危机 the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression

负增长 negative growth

人均收入增长 per capita income growth

局部复苏 partial recovery

陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

水生动物 aquatic animals

家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

伴侣动物 companion animal

野生动物保护 wild animal protection

加强社会主义精神文明建设 promote socialist cultural and ethical standards

金融资产管理公司  asset-management company

经济体制改革和政治体制改革  reform of political andeconomic systems

精简机构  downsize the institutions

城市生态绿网urban ecological green network

城市绿地公园urban green land parks

综合公园comprehensive parks

社区公园community parks

专类公园theme parks

遗址公园historic site parks

生态公园ecological parks

带状公园linear parks

无障碍设计barrier-free design

郊野公园countryside parks

积分落户制度 points-based hukou (household registration)system

从严治党 strengthen Party self-discipline

党风廉政 good Party conduct and clean governance

廉政治理体系 clean governance mechanism

正风肃纪 tighten discipline and improve Party conduct

秉公用权,干净干事 exercise power impartially and work with clean conduct

控制性详细规划 controlled detailed plan

社会参与机制 social participation

生态保护红线 ecological protection redline

总体国家安全观holistic view of national security

防抗救相结合combining prevention, mitigation and relief

常态减灾,非常态救灾disaster mitigation as daily routine and disaster relief as emergency response

抢险救援 emergencyrescue and disaster relief

城市安全监测预警系统urban security warning and monitoring system






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