为方便留档,请申请者将个人中英文简历(PDF)发送至nkioseminar@126.com,简历以“姓名+文件名”命名(比如:张三 中/英文简历),邮件以“实习岗位+姓名+年级+专业+电话”命名
国际货币基金组织(英语:International Monetary Fund,简称:IMF)是根据1944年7月在布雷顿森林会议签订的《国际货币基金组织协定》,于1945年12月27日在华盛顿成立的。该组织宗旨是通过一个常设机构来促进国际货币合作,为国际货币问题的磋商和协作提供方法;通过国际贸易的扩大和平衡发展,把促进和保持成员国的就业、生产资源的发展、实际收入的高低水平,作为经济政策的首要目标;稳定国际汇率,在成员国之间保持有秩序的汇价安排,避免竞争性的汇价贬值。
岗位名称: 法律部门实习生(Legal Department Intern)
报名截止日期:2021. 2.21(当地时间)
3.Key Tasks
The IMF's Legal Department is seeking applications to an internship assignment, part of the 2021 Fund Internship Program (FIP). The duration of the internship will be 10-12 weeks, and will be undertaken between May and October 2021 (the precise period of the internship will be agreed between the department and the successful candidate).
The selected candidate will work in one of the units of the Legal Department under the supervision and guidance of a senior member of the unit. Projects assigned (which differ from year to year) will be determined at a time closer to the start of the internship to ensure that they are directly aligned with the department's work program and, to the extent possible, with the interests of the intern. Past internship research projects have covered a broad spectrum of legal issues as the examples below from previous years illustrate:
Analysis of the legal framework for capital controls under the European Economic Area
Research on the insolvency of non bank financial institutions
Research on the legal mandate of the IMF in financial regulation
Cross-country comparisons of effectiveness of AML/CFT efforts.
To be eligible for the internship, candidates must:
Be within one or two years of completing their L.L.M., J.D., or equivalent degree in law.
Be in student status, i.e., must be returning to university after their internship.
Should normally not exceed 32 years of age.
Have an excellent command of English (both written and oral).
Possess strong quantitative and computer skills.
Please note: if you are unable to attach 2 academic reference letters to your application at this time, this will not lead to disqualification. If you are long-listed for further consideration you will have a short timeframe in which to provide the references, at that time.
5.Application details
All applications will be acknowledged, but only candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted.
To be considered, applicants must attach the following to their job applications:
CV or Résumé;
University transcript for current program of study;
Two academic reference letters
审核:代龙飞 任芳馨
作者:NKUIO |
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